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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Do you believe in signs?

Question:Do you believe in signs for above or below, supernatural things.I was Taking photos of the moon with a tripod and one came out like a heart and i know it didn't move it was on a timer. I only cropped and resized this in photoshop.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Do you believe in signs for above or below, supernatural things.I was Taking photos of the moon with a tripod and one came out like a heart and i know it didn't move it was on a timer. I only cropped and resized this in photoshop.

If you used a cable release or remote control, then it didn't move. If you used your finger to click it, most likely you didn't feel it moved as you clicked it. Your connection to the tripod must be loose. From the direction of the light it would seems that your camera moved downward just it would when you clicked it. Although, that's a nice photo - something you can give your sweetheart or future sweetheart. As far as signs, signs are hard to read. Sometimes it's there and we still don't see it, and there are times our mind make up those things we as signs to help us deal with things. We just have to always keep our eyes, ears, mind, and heart open so we'll have a chance to notice it. I can tell you a lot of stories but, it's just me telling those.

I know it did move. You have provided the photographic evidence.

Something bumped the tripod when the shutter was open. That's why you see a trail coming from the image. It's just a coincidence that it is heart shaped.

signs are for reading.
and sometimes it is to our benefit to believe what we read...especially when it says speed limit.
as far as supernatural...something bumped the camera or tripod while the shutter was open....perhaps a nervous photographer.

The camera moved quite a bit.

I believe in Stop Signs, Yield, Do Not Enter and Railroad Crossing signs. I also believe your camera moved during exposure. However, it does me no harm if you think the heart moon is something other than an exposure error, so if it makes you happy, then believe.