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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What setting was used for these pictures?

Question:I took them..but I can't remember the settings for the life of me....

They're all the same setting...
Can anyone help me? I'd like to take more like this...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I took them..but I can't remember the settings for the life of me....

They're all the same setting...
Can anyone help me? I'd like to take more like this...

A short lesson on Flickr--you can find the info that was embedded into the file--for example, your first photo, is here:

probably the slowest shutter setting on your camera - the longer the shutter remains open, the more chance you have for blur.

Try the nighttime setting if you have one.

it's a slow shutter speed. try the setting TV or time value then slow the shutter speed down to 1/15.

Must have been a slow shutter.
I don't know 1/15 or 1/8

Slow shutter maybe 1/8

the photographer has used a slower shutter speed, and moved the camera around in a circular direction to make the blur circular.

this one looks like there might be some ghosting in it, which is where the sync speed of the flash is faster than the shutter speed.

(say your flash speed is 1/30sec and your shutter speed is 1/8, ghosting happens because the flash is only present during part of the time that the shutter is open)

But there was also a slow shutter speed used.

Try to right click on your original image and look in its properties, the camera steeing should be there in the advanced section.

You probably just shook your camera. No settings involved.

It's an easily produced effect.

You already have your answers, all I can say is this is nothing but crappy photography. Why do you want to do MORE of this? It is just a blurred scene due to not knowing what you are doing with the camera. There is no reason for any kind of "motion blur" effect to be used here for creative reasons. Don't misrepresent these accidents as some kind of "art" because they certainly are not.

Now give me a thumbs down.
