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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How does this picture make you feel?


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at first i thought about wether he winds up or not,and was thinking it would be nice watching him fall off the rock(not having a nice day)then it made me sad seeing all the oil kettles in the back ground.good effect

Very nice indeed

Happy !!!!!!

Well, at first it makes you happy, and weird feeling cause you're looking at a duck, but then you realize that there are power plants, so I'm assuming it represents something.

Watch your composition.

Check out the rule of thirds.

hahaha. its wonderful.

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Well the chicken make you feel happy but I realize you said the background is a museum but you can't help but feel it is a yin yang situation because it looks like a power plant. So even though they are statues you can't help but feel the yin yang of industry against wild life.

Hehe... cute chick! I've seen them at the store and thought about buying a few, but don't really know what I would do with them.

This photo says total amateur to me. The chick is in the center and the background doesn't really fit in. Choose a better background, like grass, flowers, or eggs... and get in closer. Try using some dramatic lighting as well.

Also, I've noticed that a lot of your pics are shot horizontally... some objects work better vertically... do try it!
