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Question:how does it stand in the test of time? as long as oil?

is paper that can be used of acrylic painting more expensive or canvases... im not talkin about the high end stuff... just regular average material...

and what type of paper would you personally recommend for acrylic painting...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: how does it stand in the test of time? as long as oil?

is paper that can be used of acrylic painting more expensive or canvases... im not talkin about the high end stuff... just regular average material...

and what type of paper would you personally recommend for acrylic painting...

Acrylic Artist Paint didn't come on the open market for public use until the late 1950s. So no one can honestly say how long it will hold up. The better quality paint, like Golden and Graham and Liquitex, have held up very well so far. We're talking sixty years now. I have several acrylic paintings on canvas that are at least fifty years old and they seem to have not faded or weather cracked.

But with acrylic paint, like just about anything else you buy, you get what you pay for. The cheaper brand paints, like Winsor & Newton's Galeria and Duro don't have the same reputation for quality and duribility.

As to painting on paper, my ego tells me that every thing I paint I want to last a lifetime. So I'll only use canvas. Paper has it's own set duribility problems simply because it's paper.
And by the time you mount and frame the paper (which you will have to do to preserve it) it is just about a cheap to use canvas board. If you are concerned about your bugit try painting on canvas board. It's cheaper than stretched canvas but it's still canvas.


Acrylics are thick paints. They need canvas but you can use the same inexpensive, pre-made canvases you use for oil painting.