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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What should i draw or paint?

Question:i have lot's of paints, i'm not good at drawing people,i love abstract, and i have about every color of pencil you can imagine. thanx!!:)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i have lot's of paints, i'm not good at drawing people,i love abstract, and i have about every color of pencil you can imagine. thanx!!:)

do what you feel most comfortable with....
painting involves a lot of drawing... and is a very important part of it.
color pencils is a dry media, and is sometimes considered to be a drawing.
seek inspiration, look around, magazines, tv, etc.... and then start!!!!
good luck

I think that if you're not inspired, you should just use an everyday object as your subject matter. I took an intensive art class where all we painted were pears. At first, it was boring, but now I realize that the teacher was trying to teach us to be creative in the way we painted - not in our choice of subject matter. If you like abstract art, then it would be neat for people to see your unique interpretation of something that is otherwise very mundane. I hope this helps!

Food, only cause I'm hungry. Maybe a soda cause I'm thirsty.
Once I eat though I'd say paint what ever "trips your trigger."
Puppies, kittens, Food (still hungry), flowers, Food........
good luck I'm going to go eat now.

But what should I eat? Abstract food maybe.........