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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do you check if an image is still under copyright or not? I have the copyrig

Question:Is there a place online where I can look it up?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is there a place online where I can look it up?

If the artist is still alive, the copyright is still in place. Even if the artist has passed on, it will stay in the artist's heirs for... I think it's like 60 years? I think that's what it is, but my copyright law is somewhat rusty.

Just because it may be from 1918, but that still does not mean that you are automaticly in the clear. The photographer's Estate can request an extension on the copyright as well, if my memory serves me right.

Unless the photographer sells the copyright its his/hers for life.

I would consider it public property being that old and accessable and I would use it anyway.

Also the copyright office does not use #s, do they?