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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do I take pictures that look like they were taken in the 70s or 80s.?

Question:I don't know, how to explain this but I want to take pictures with my film camera, to make them look like they were taken in the 70s or 80s. The pictures then look "retro" for lack of a better word. They just don't look like they do from a camera from today. I hope you know what I mean.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I don't know, how to explain this but I want to take pictures with my film camera, to make them look like they were taken in the 70s or 80s. The pictures then look "retro" for lack of a better word. They just don't look like they do from a camera from today. I hope you know what I mean.

If you use photoshop it's fairly easy to get this effect.

Add Noise to the image to make it grainy.... add a yellowy colour cast by going Adjustments > Photo Filters

Go to this site for the following automatic actions:

Do the lomo action first .....then do the polaroid 600 action (Both free) to get a very nice job done, in very little time


grow a moustach

I was just looking at a photo album from that era today. Get a bunch of friends and dress them in really bad polyester suits, get way too much light and have the focus off just a bit and you should get what you are looking for!lol

You need Tri-X. Easy to get. It's rated @ 400, but you can set it @ 800. Tell the lab you pushed one stop, or better if you do it yourself, leave it in two minutes extra. It works with HP-5 too. But if you can get Rodinal, dilute it 50:1 and leave it in 2 mins. longer.

Use a Polaroid Camera, wear a sun dress, and pose near a 1970s era automobile.

If you are printing in B&W, use ILFORD Multigrade Fiber Based Warmtone.

It also helps if you have a camera that was made in the 70s. Luckily, film SLRs are cheap now. You could probably get a decent camera with a few lenses for $150

go to affects on your mobile phone and pick these two greyscale and sepia