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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Photogs and ImageTechs. What's your opinion on this photo of a reflection in

Question:It it a nude woman, as suggested by some ??
Or is it his hand holding a fishing rod like they are trying to say ??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It it a nude woman, as suggested by some ??
Or is it his hand holding a fishing rod like they are trying to say ??

Cheney has practiced much self-eroticism over the years, especially since becoming vice-president, it isn't a wonder that his hand has become to resemble a naked women.

It looks like a blow-up sex doll, but she's definately nekkid!

This was professionally constructed in a photo shop program

1) get a correct angled picture
2) crop it to bet the size and shape of the sun glasses
3) overlay it on top of Cheney's glasses
4) increase opacity(transparency) to blend the two together, to see both in one spot
5) add effects such as glare or brighten the area to give the affect of a reflection

You would do the same thing to make it look like there is a gost in a picture or a movie

unfortunately, this is just a made up photo, although Dick Cheney might like to be holding his "rod".....he probably couldnt do anything with it if he could hold it......Now that America has become a "comedocracy nation" as opposed to a democracy,..pretty much anything goes and this is why photos like this show up, no naked woman in a sane mind would go anywhere near "dick" Cheney. unless she was blind,deaf and dumb.

Both analyses are correct.

Cheney has gynecomanipulosis, a rare condition which causes his hand to resemble a nude woman.

It's incurable but he doesn't really mind.

There's definitely a rod there somewhere.

Evil is what evil does.


I doubt if any naked woman would be interested in him. I would say he's familiar with his hand. (am off to play Jackson Browne's "Rosie" song now)

I'm not a optical tech. I have spent all my adult life in research.
This is clearly a distorted image of a hand or something like it. If it is a naked woman she belongs in the circus freak show. Of course in a big jar for the anatomy is probably not of a viable human.
Of course beauty is in the eye of the beholder and often people see what they want most.