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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Are their to many graphic designers?

Question:ive been thinking about becoming a graphic designer but i no a lot of people that are going to do the same and there are always advertisments trying to get you to go to a graphic design you that if i become a graphic designer that i will be able to find good paying constant work if i move to nyc

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ive been thinking about becoming a graphic designer but i no a lot of people that are going to do the same and there are always advertisments trying to get you to go to a graphic design you that if i become a graphic designer that i will be able to find good paying constant work if i move to nyc

Yes, there are too many designers, and more being cranked out every day by "design schools" that are reproducing like rabbits.

No, there are not enough designers--that know what they are doing. There are armies of crap designers. I see bad design everywhere: signs, menus, logos, etc. Fly by night schools and easy access to digital imaging programs have caused this flood of piss-poor design.

Everyone and their mom knows "a little bit of photoshop" and that just won't cut it. You have to MASTER Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign. Get these programs, take classes, get manuals, get design annuals (so you can study what the big designers do). Beg, borrow and steal to get this stuff. This knowledge and a strong work ethic will separate you from the mediocre crowd.

"Beg, borrow or steal" is just a figure of speech. I should have also added that you need to master life drawing--a skill that is critical. Report It

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  • memyselfandi's Avatar by memyself...
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  • yeah there is alot of graphic designer but not everyone can do it. learn the photo shop and other photo soft wear really well. most people can not use it right and if you master it you can do better portfolios, better ports me better, and higher paying jobs

    yes it's a good area to go into because the demand for them is high, because companies are doing more advertising. if the schools are recruiting so highly, you can bet they need more.