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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Freelance artist?

Question:can you make money by just painting pictures and selling them. if so, then;
- where would i sell them?
- how much can i expect to make?
- has this worked for you?
- what do people like to see in paintings?
- what sort of paint do people like best?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: can you make money by just painting pictures and selling them. if so, then;
- where would i sell them?
- how much can i expect to make?
- has this worked for you?
- what do people like to see in paintings?
- what sort of paint do people like best?

i started off by selling my paintings/sculptures at a local art stall.
you can rent a stall or table at these things and then sell your art.
as for what the consumer will have to find out where your niche in the market is. trial and error.
i often did custom pieces, that way the buyer gets what they want.
i would not expect to make millions just yet. obviously size is a contriuting factor, but my smallish paintings sold for between £75-£250 when i started out. i really depends, you have to find these things out for yourself.

You just have to discover the answers yourself. Each locality is different, each buyer has his own taste. Market value rises with the competency and visibiity of the artist, so first time out don't expect a return, lucky that you break even. Last year I sold about 26 paintings roughly $400 each, on average. I've been painting seriously the last seven years, but really since 1963....or before as a toddler in the early 50s. People's taste are all over the board. Type of paint doesn't matter, but oil still reigns supreme for the trendsetters. I used acrylics. See for yourself at

Yes you can.How to get your work seen is the problem. For an example Google Frank Gordon English Landscape artist.You could try local art societies or any regional Arts Council groups,my local one is Yorkshire Arts,I think they are still at Bradford. U3A is worth a look as are local art galleries,both in small towns and nearby cities.It's all down to networking an d then having enough work to put on shows and sell without running out of stuff!!!

yes you can, sell locally, offer a free painting in a raffle, enter local exhibits, best to paint subjects that are local, for example a canal, these sell best, go to a local cafe and offer them three paintings on a sale or return basis and give then a hefty 40% commission as an incentive. it takes time but you will get there

be lucky

james martin.......