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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What could I do to make this picture better?

Question:let me know what you think.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: let me know what you think.

This is a tough call. It does look okay as it is, but I'd make a few changes.

It is intersting to try to take this with available light from the candles, but as you can see, they are overexposed and completely blown out in the image. (meaning a blown highlight - not an extinguished candle) Perhaps you could use another light source that would allow you to expose properly for the flame and the glass as well. You would need enough light to see the glass without having it totally overpower the flame.

Have fun experimenting. Pay attention to the results of your changes and you will learn quickly. Nice picture, too! You will easily make it better, though. Report It

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  • pleasewaterme's Avatar by pleasewa...
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  • Try having the glasses side by side and 2/3 full of red wine.

    I think its just fine, actually i really don't know how to answer ur question, i take it that u are the photographer? I don't think anyone but u could answer that question, we might be able to give u ideas on what we would do. ur the artist, do what ur lead to do, if nothing comes to mind then ur done, art is always subjective, thats whats cool about art. later

    Nothing, i think its cool as it is!

    it looks great already! don't change it! its beautiful!i have seen allot of wine classes with candles but this is the best by far! your a great photographer! keep up the great work! i have a feeling God is going to use you in great ways!

    It really does look pretty decent the way it is... Maybe add a diffuse glow to it. Not heavy AT ALL... Jus' a light one. It may add a cool effect to it. I'm a big fan of diffusing. To screw around with that even one step further, after you diffuse, go into Edit (assuming you're using Photoshop) and select "Fade Diffuse Glow", play around with that and see what you come up with.

    Nice shot, but the tea candles are overexposed so you can't see the flames.

    Try this:

    Take another identical shot, with the candles properly exposed.

    In Photoshop, copy and paste the original shot over the second one and erase the overexposed candles.

    The properly exposed ones will show through and you'll have a sort of mini-HDR image.

    Hope this helps.