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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Do I have photographic talent?

Question:I have loved taking photo's since I was 9... I never really thought of it as "photography" until I was about 12...
I'm now 16, and looking into buying a dslr camera.
Photography is the most amazing thing to me and I have a strong passion for it.
What do you think of my photographs?
Creative critism please. (do view all photo's you have to browse gallery then click "browse" tab.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have loved taking photo's since I was 9... I never really thought of it as "photography" until I was about 12...
I'm now 16, and looking into buying a dslr camera.
Photography is the most amazing thing to me and I have a strong passion for it.
What do you think of my photographs?
Creative critism please. (do view all photo's you have to browse gallery then click "browse" tab.

I can see that you have a great deal of talent about to burst out. Your photos shows a lot of talent, though. Don't worry about being abstract (you can always do what other do - once you take all those classes on photography - but they can't do what you can do), that is who you are and it separate you from a lot of photographers - in a good sense. You have a lot of good compositions with your photo, and you still will get better I know. Your black and whites are nicer than your colors (color is hard). My main comment with your B&W is it seems to be always in neutral tone. I like how you are trying to show your lights and shadows, but you might want to think of a little bit more extreme with white and black colors of your photo or think lighting, example of non neutral is your Dark Light. (Duh to me, ha) You want to control your audience visually. You do that with motion, lines, emotion... of the photos. I don't want my eyes to be just looking at the photo as a whole thing. It's like when you look at your photo really quick, what do you see. If your eyes is drawn to where it was supposed to, then you are doing what you intented with your art.
Although it is not the case with your Ribbon Girl (I love that one, I would spend money on that one), where it shows motion and lines, good lights and shadows, it tells a story or emotion - and it's in color, too.
Your Psycho might be better with the light to be lighter so that it is not so neutral.

Breath of Sunshine would have been perfect except of the man behind - the composition seems to got disturbed by it - if the man is part of it, it's not working because we don't see the face of the girl; seems to depict aloneness but then not all.
I don't know if I'm right, but are you using like Sepia tone or something like that in your enhancement (if you are enhacing) in your computer graphics with your prints. If you are, stay away from those till you no longer care for your photos.
You are talented. You love darkroom, work more on your darkroom stills, too. Don't use single color technique just because you can; plus it's over used (Hallmark Cards has a lot of them), although it's a good exercise and you have done it well.
You will do well with your photography career. As you start learning more, and keep on doing it, you will make money. Make yourself a good portfolio of who you are, not just work where they look like in magazine. Just always think when showing your work, people will look at it and say, "Why should I care?"
Me, I do care for your Ribbon Girl (just can't say enought of it - I'm in love with that photo) cause it evokes emotion, it's like it is telling me a story, and I like the movement (how my eyes keep moving by just looking at it.) Good Job!

Do you have have talent? You must be fishing! This stuff is amazing, I'm favoriting some of it.

I especially like Sit Down, with its limited use of color highlights.

I honestly think you could do this professionally.

i like MSD.
you do have talent and i think that you will only continue to grow. the more we learn, the more we see.
i am a photographer as well...keep it up. the world needs all of the art it can get.

You have talent as a photographer but it's all abstract.
What do you want to do with the talent? You will starve if you think you will make a living as an abstract photographer.

You have talent but as far as I can see, very little marketability.

I like your photographs, and there are a few that I would be willing to pay for. I like "A Breath of Sunshine", "Dark", and "Beach". I prefer black and white photos to color, because they seem more emotional to me.

Constructive criticism? My overriding thought while looking at some of your photos was that my eyes were not drawn to anything in the picture, they didn't capture me. That was true more of the landscapes than anything else. Otherwise, I feel like you've got a talent that, over time, can become truly fantastic!