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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Does anyone know where to find or buy 16mm film for a camera? Its for a 1959 Yas

Question:The film is designed ot be loaded into a cassette or magazine.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The film is designed ot be loaded into a cassette or magazine.

The Y-16 was basically a failure and replaced by another sub-mini designed to work with the Minolta Cassette. Alas, that format is also dead. The Y-16 cassette clipped into the camera and could be removed mid-roll only losing one exposure. The clips are rare, when you find one they are expensive, and difficult to reload with film. I am unaware of anyone currently providing loaded (or unloaded) clips. Because 16mm film is usually sold in 100 ft. lengths, most people who use the Minolta cassettes simply buy a device to cut a 16mm strip out of a roll of 35mm film. These devicess are commercially available from a variety of sources. This is all done in total darkness. You also have to open the film clip (that is what Yashica called it) without damaging it and load the film in total darkness. Furthermore, because of the rarity of the clips you would either need to extract the film yourself, pack it in a light tight container and ship it to a processor or process it yourself. Not to be discouraging, but if the sub-miniature camera world is pretty complicated unless you use a Minox. Good luck. I've included a link to sub-mini information. It has a section about the Y-16.

This website here sells 16mm film -

It's based in the UK, but I'm sure it will ship international orders if your abroad.

Direct link to 16mm page -