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Position:Home>Visual Arts> On a camera negative what would the colour green look like???

Question:Green is red and red is green. With enough practice in looking at negatives, you can see them in living color, lol.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Green is red and red is green. With enough practice in looking at negatives, you can see them in living color, lol.

Not positive, but I THINK it's yellowish


It's a matter of Additive and Subtractive colors of light.

Imagine two overlapping triangles going different directions (Star of David). Each of the points is one of the additive or subtractive colors of light.

Red is directly across from Cyan (bluish-green - think the color of the sky)
Blue is directly across from Yellow
Green is directly across from Magenta (bluish-red - think of a bright very reddish purple)

Green will show up as Magenta in direct negative. Given the fact that C-41 film is more of a brownish tint, it may have a slightly darker tint to it, but it will be Magenta.

I would say read up on Additive and Subtractive Colors. It has applications FAR outside of just color film. Such as, if you have a red tinted filter and take pictures on a clear day, the cyan color of the sky will be blocked rendering it dark if not completely black aside from clouds, and any reds will register as white.