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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Who to became a top contributer??

Question:answer more and more questions then u get to be the top contributer

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: answer more and more questions then u get to be the top contributer

Umm...who wants to become a top contributar?

Anyone who desires to truely help people by passing on thier knowledge to others who have questions and want to know!

Who? I believe you mean "how."

A Top Contributor is a member of the Answers community who has shown that they are knowledgeable in a particular category. Each Answers user can be a top contributor in up to three categories.

The top contributor badge is dynamic. You earn it or lose it depending on your recent participation in a particular category. The more actively you contribute, the more likely you will earn a badge. Just like featured users or category leaders, it's another way to feature community members who might otherwise be overlooked.

I think the formula is a little guarded. Just keep answering questions! The more "best answers" you have, the more likely you will be branded a Top Contributor. I used to have that badge in three categories, but found that I lost interest in other areas and just stick to the one category most of the time. As Mulan says, the badge comes and goes. When I was active in 3 categories, I kept gaining TC in one and losing it in another and I never really figured out how they calculated things.

You know what, though? I still have to pay three bucks to cross the bridge into Philly, so it hasn't changed my life any. You might think that the system would help askers to know who to listen to here, but that's not necessarily true either.