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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What colors are these??(PICTURE INCLUDED)?


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i think the first one is maroon and the other one is navy blue

dark maroon, ,dark navy blue?....

The first one looks like "dark brown"......

The second one looks like "black".

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maroon and a blueish/greenish color

The first colour is burgundy,
The second colour is dark azure.

Those are the official names for those colours, but they're just fancy names for red-brown and dark blue.

the first one looks like wine color and the second one looks like navy blue, but darker. here, these sites should help you out.

okay, so for some reason it wont let me post the site, but go to wikipedia. type in red. after that type in blue for the next color.

you might have to scroll down, but they have like every possible shade of red and blue. hope this helps. =D

Not every color has a specific name. Even your computer color can generate MILLIONS of colors.

I would call those two colors "brick," and "slate."

first one looks red/wine colour and the second looks green on my screen anyway.

The first is Crimson
and the second is Deep navy blue

My monitor reads them as:
#1: C 34 M: 97 Y; 54 B: 24
#2: C 99 M: 74 Y: 46 B: 42

Or if you're trying to recreate them in Office:
#1: R: 140 G: 33 B: 72
#2: R: 0 G: 52 B: 76

But yea, everyone calls colors different things. What's coral to one person will be Salmon to another will just be pink to a third.