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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What two acrylic colors can I mix to make the color aqua?

Question:does it have to be only two? yes, blue with a bit of yellow, but if you don't add a substansial amount of white, it will just be a very dark blue-green.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: does it have to be only two? yes, blue with a bit of yellow, but if you don't add a substansial amount of white, it will just be a very dark blue-green.

Blue and yellow. Add a little bit of yellow at a time to the blue until you have the color you want.

sky blue and lime could add a drop or two of white aswell...

just two?
if you can do more
you can try a blue, some yellow, and maybe a touch or green
and lighten it up with white.
no garentees. But it worked for me

You will need blue and yellow, but you have to mix them in a particular way.
First, on your palette, squeeze a little bit of each, but make sure to not mix them yet. Take a paint brush and dip it into the blue, only taking a little glob. Then mix it into the yellow really carefully.
Before putting your brush back into the blue, wash it with water so the colours won't mix too much. Keep repeating the process until you have the aqua colour you want. (If it doesn't turn out right in the end, you may have to add a bit of a third colour : white.)