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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Do you think these drawings are good for a thirteen year old?

Question:I only started drawing this year =S

This was actually when I was 12 and the first face I have ever drawn:

Drawn in 50 minutes (english lesson):

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I only started drawing this year =S

This was actually when I was 12 and the first face I have ever drawn:

Drawn in 50 minutes (english lesson):

Excellent! You should be taking classes. If you can't at school see what is available around you home town or online at the least.
If you can't get to a class start experimenting on your own with different types of medium (pencil, charcoal, pastels, water color paints, oil paints). Lead pencils alone come in different weights. Which means some are softer and will leave more shade with less effort on your paper (you won't have to press down so hard to get the image onto the paper).
You are probably using the #2 pencil which a hard pencil (mostly intended for writing and not so much for drawing) check out this site:
it will give you an idea of what I am talking about.

And if you can't do any of the above till a later time in your life JUST KEEP ON DRAWING with what ever you can get you hands on.

It has never been more true than with art that "PRACTICE makes Perfect".

good Luck lil' artist!!

Yes, I think your very talented!!!

Its better than I draw.

You are very talented, however I think your stronger point is your photography.

all art is good, if it's true expression.

however, I'll be more specific and say:
yes, they're good for a person who just began to draw a year ago. :)

you really have talent! improve on it. you will become a good artist

yeah i like the mighty boosh one!

Yeah quite good, but 50 minutes in English shouldn't you have been doing English.

With the 1st drawing you could work on Crimewatch.

Yes you have a certain style with your drawing. You should really take art lessons.
I too was good at drawing when I was younger, and now............ Well I wish, wish, wish I had studied art and become a professional artist. I could have done it and so can you.

Do not waste your talent. Please.....

yes are very should continue doing that maybe one day it can help you with skool stuff snd maybe u can make it in to a career :)

I'm impressed! I've had 30 years of practice drawing and can't come close to drawing as well as you :o) My 10 year old son draws better than I do as well LOL

excellent really really good!
keep drawing girl!!

These are good. They really look like him too.

there right good
i like ur style aswell rather than just drawing so it looks exact

wow your talented girl,esp for your age . there brilliant Ive always wonted to draw

Pretty average, I mean you have obviously traced or copied a poster or summat. However your choice of subject matter is to be commended. The Boosh rocks my boxers.

Hmm... for just a year I suppose they are pretty good. But really, they aren't THAT great. You obviously have some talent but you need to work on having more movement. The second drawing shows a little bit of movement, but it's rather two dimensional looking. Use your shading to carve out the hollows under the eyes, and the little M shape right above the lips. Shape your faces, they're very generic, and no one actually has a face that generic. And shape the eyes. They aren't all ovals, some are elliptical, some are more rounded, some flatter.

And work on your noses. They are my weak point for sure, but I've worked on practicing and gotten better. Here's an example of something I drew rather recently so you can see what I meant about the shading:

The quality of the picture got ruined by the scanner, but you can get the general idea.

If you enjoy drawing, it doesn't matter what other people think. When I was your age, I was too scared to keep drawing because I thought people would think they looked bad or dumb. Now I am an Art major and it's difficult making myself draw again and to accept peoples compliments. Take lots of classes and doodle as much as possible, and always believe in it if you love it!

Yes they are. Tolouse La Treke (spelling?) the short French hunchback was drawing horses very well when he was 8. When I was 11 we were set art homework, and my art teacher didn't believe that I had done them, (she tore them up) until we actually did some drawing, instead of 'crafts', the following spring. We were all set to draw / paint daffodils. I painted straight on to paper without using pencil first. She was stunned. She then hated me even more, I found out later that she hated me because I was a better artist than she was.
I still draw, I'm learning to use soft pastels at the moment. Good Luck.

Yeah they're really good but maybe some range? They're so...perfect and in real-life people aren't, vary the face-shapes, the eye shape, birthmarks etc.

But you are really talented.

Good Luck and keep at it! (Drawing)

HEY! The first picture . . Isn't he part of MCR? like your drawings though. . keep up the good work . .