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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Do you think these photos are good for a twelve year old?

Question:I'm thirteen now and took these pictures last year. I haven't done much photography recently but I really enjoy it. Feel free to give me constructive critiscm/your favourite photo/tips ect.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm thirteen now and took these pictures last year. I haven't done much photography recently but I really enjoy it. Feel free to give me constructive critiscm/your favourite photo/tips ect.

Your photo's show the following:
1. Clarity
2. Personality
3. Good Structure
4. You are a true animal lover

You are an excellent photographer, and definitely should pursue this line of work as your career.

Send these photo's into the National Geographic Magazine and watch what happens.

Ask your local library for the most recent copy of Writers and Photographers Market, it will give you hundreds of people that are looking for fresh photographs, please don't forget calendar and greeting card companies.

Best of Luck!

off center but not bad

i think there gewd , really liked the horse and train edited one


I like the dog hes just like my sisiters dog "Spinner"

I looked at a few, just too many.

Liked the horse at the fence. Good composition.

Keep studying your camera, and light.

You are off to a good start.

And above all else, have fun.

You have a nice sense of composition. May I offer two suggestions?

1.) Don't be afraid to get close to your subject.

2.) Don't be afraid of shooting above or below eye level. Shooting this way, especialloy with a wide-angle lens, will yiels interesting results.

My favs are the horse and train and cemetary. The rest are just ok. The dogs pics are out of focus and the pics of the boy and cat are uninteresting

Some are really interesting... some, not so much. They aren't bad, but I'm sure you realize that there are a lot of things to learn about photography. The first one of the train is good, might be color but it looks kind of sepia toned. The one with the kitty facing the other way is interesting... it challenges the viewer to figure out what the kitty is looking at. Just keep playing with settings and perspective to offer people a new way of looking at something. Playing with color vs. black and white, different lighting settings, can give different moods.

i liked the horse and the ones of the sun in the sky.

They are good for "snapshots". Remember your rule of thirds and what your subject is, many time I see what you are trying to shoot, but it is out of focus (focused on something else) or the whole picture is blurry. I also see a lot of lens flare (the bright stars on the pictures) on many of the photos. A lens hood will fix this problem a lot of time.

It would also be more helpful if you put this in a flickr album so we can see more details.

For thirteen, absolutely!

I particularly liked the edited one, with the train... But I'm a sucker for sepia images, so it would appeal to me :)

You should keep it up - maybe invest in a good photo editing suite, if you're serious about taking it up as a regular hobby.
Or join a photography club?
Lord knows they're hard to come by, but it depends on where you live - maybe try contacting your local youth club, or telephone directories, or council to see what's on offer?


I think the horse one is really good, I like the train one too. The one of the tree is good because its really bright and the colours are nice.

Very nice. You keep practicing and you will get a lot better.

I definately saw some nice ones in there... but there were also some others that looked more like snapshots. My favorite is the horse... great composition. I really like how you're keeping the objects off center in some of them. Keep up the good work.

Good, but image 221 (edit) has been changed too much and doesn't look natural. Maybe try using sepia without using the ageing-effect? 143 looks better. i really like this one! the dog is so cute. this one is really good, but it's not quite straight, but it's still good, and i like that it's in black and white. i love this one, everything about it is good, the sun, the clouds in the sky, the colours, the way there's the bridge, the tree and the sign, which are all different shapes and make it more interesting. it might look better though if you crop the photo so that the wire at the top is cut off. this one's really good, i like how it isn't straight.

they're really good photos.,

Hey Dear, I think they turned out really good the only problem is that you need to watch your focus other then that they are really good. Also a good photo is the photographers view of the world around them so keep going for it!

Some nice images in your library there. Think you need to develop your skills a little more and look at the work of other photographers; before you race off and have an exhibition. If you enjoy it then, as you continue you will develop further skills. As a first time taster you have done well.
Enjoy the experience!