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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is a creative way to do a title???

Question:i dont want to just write a title at the top of the poster. where are some creative places to put titles???


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i dont want to just write a title at the top of the poster. where are some creative places to put titles???


down the side
with different letters cut out of a mag and pasted on
or with string or somin or do it hidden in a picture but the picture as to mean something toward the subject

By incorporating the title as the actual object of the poster, you can creat quite a dynamic visual. also another idea is to go to the bottom of the poster design.

some people like the traditional ways of writing a title, however some may likes to put their title in their drawing using their imaginative way of thinking and their creativity. why don't u try it?

just write the title really small and put it in a corner