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Question:A Game of luck or A Game of ability?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: A Game of luck or A Game of ability?

Both, being in the right place at the right time

Can come down to dumb luck

Or a little knowleadge and experience, knowing where and how the sun will rise or set.

learning how to stay still for hours so you won't freak out the animals you are stalking.

learn about reflecters and slave flashes,

But sometimes the simplest camera can take the best photos

It is most definitely a game of ability.

However, every once in a while you do get an awesome shot due to luck.

a whole ;lot of BOTH!

A keen eye and the ability to compose through a lens. Luck you ask? Nope...

Well it's an extension of one self permanently captured. If one had no eyes then one would be lucky to take amazing photographs. Though people who see don't necessarily see what the artist sees more the ability. It's a perspective.

"A man with one chopstick goes hungry"

Both. You must have ability to craft a shot(composition and exposure), but sometimes luck comes about to get certain things just in the right order to help put that hard earned ability to use.

Photography is very much a matter of skill.It is a not a matter of being lucky at being in the right place at the right time,but rather having the skill to see the event and idea you wish to photograph,when the event is in front of your eyes!!.Even if you can see and interpret the latent image you still need to capture the image and communicate it to others,therein lies more of the skill.

IMO, skill as a photographer has to be first. You must know every setting and feature on your camera and when, why and how to use them. You must also have a good "eye" to see possible photographs. You must automatically look at the background as you compose - you have to see what is behind your subject and eliminate any distractions.

Of course, luck occasionally plays a part. Last summer, while photographing a bee on a flower, another bee flew into the frame just as I released the shutter. I was surprised when I saw it.