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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How to do this vintagy-filter look on photoshop?

Question:i see tons of pictures like this & i'm just wondering how to get the colors like this? ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i see tons of pictures like this & i'm just wondering how to get the colors like this? ?

I'm not quite sure... but how about lowering the saturation, and adding layers of really transparent blue on top of the picture.

I'm gonna try it, and edit back here in a minute.


I like the way that came out... though it's a little blue. It's like a "modern" vintage, which I like.

I took a pic of me and my friend and messed around with it.



EDIT #2:

If you have photoshop...


Enhance>Adjust Color>Color Variations

Then try decreasing reds, increasing blue... darken, lighten... etc. Just fool around with it.

You may want to lower the saturation (not all the way), play with contrast, and add some noise.

Lower the opacity of the colors you added to about 50% and you should get the effect you were wanting.

You download/buy a Vintage Photoshop Action.
That's what I do.
Try this:

It looks great, but your moms not going to like the tattoo!
LOL sorry i couldn't help myself.