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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Do you think I have potential to become an artist?

Question:Just take at my latest work, some of it is my own and some of it is what I saw on the internet, some of you might recognize the first one.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Just take at my latest work, some of it is my own and some of it is what I saw on the internet, some of you might recognize the first one.

Yes you can, looks like your really good with detail. More practice would make then stronger and perhaps try explore other materials such as paint, this could make them stronger as pieces of art.
If you have a passion for art then its guraunteed that you could be an artist.

Good luck

Yep. But need more practice on that drawing hand to let it get used to drawings and gain more experience. Everyone has the potential actually. I think, its the interest and passion with art that makes a difference between a good drawer and a non drawer.

well its not perfect so u should trace a pic of naruto a coulpe times until u got the hang of it