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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is something interesting that I could draw/sketch?

Question:I love to draw, im really bored....and i want to get some cool&different ideas on something to draw/sketch.
Thanks :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I love to draw, im really bored....and i want to get some cool&different ideas on something to draw/sketch.
Thanks :)

My sister once went on the roof of our house (it was a flat roof) and sketched the rooftops and the view from up there. It was really interesting.

My mom once sketched one of the California missions. She made cards out of it and would use them from time to time to send to her friends. When she died, we used her cards to send thank-you's to her friends who'd sent flowers and memorial donations.

You might try sketching the front of your house and add people and animals, like a Grandma Moses painting, and then make it into a greeting card. You could add a Christmas theme and use it for Christmas cards, or sketch a relative's house and give them cards as a gift.

If you love to draw how could you be bored? Just draw! Anything you see, anything you feel like, anything you really like, anything you can imagine. If you need inspiration, pick a topic - say birds - do a Google images search and go from there.

The pile of pencils/books/wires beside your computer. Then morph them into something sci-fi/fantastic.

Still-lifes are the way to go, yay.

Or set up a mirror and do a self-portrait.

If you wanted a specific subject, try... a cyberpunk fairy climbing up the side of a cloud. Sorry, that was the first thing that popped into my head.

i luv drawing too. i want 2 b a fashion designer. but anyway. heres what i do-

-i rip out pages of fashion magazines and draw anything that catches my eye.
-i like drawing sunsets
-the ocean and water is fun 2 draw
-i like drawing cats and rabbits (particularly- i like drawing all animals.
-draw boring things around the house and sketch them. make sure u cover every inch of shading because itll bring life to the object.
-go outside and draw a tree (lol)
-abstract art is my FAV. its so much fun. try drawing it while listening to music. let your hands go free. no scribbling lol.
-copy someone elses drawing. i dont usually like to do this though, cuz i like 2 b original.
-if youre in skool.. draw the classroom under your desk. thats what i do all the time in soc. studies class. 1ce i left the sketches in my desk... the teacher didnt get mad- she put them up in the classroom!!! lol!!
-look in a mirror and sketch yourself.

anyway... good luck. remember- its never hard 2 run out of ideas for artists. u can take or draw ANYTHING and make it beautiful. (:

Bricks and stones. As well shoes are good.