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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Another one.. lol. can someone cut him out of?


& put him..

thanks again for how helpful you guys have been =]

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

& put him..

thanks again for how helpful you guys have been =]

The answerer aboce me is probably right, this is usually a paid job...But, unlike him, I do need the practice, so i'll do this one as well.

Again, not great, but better than nothing.
I'll send it to you now.

How many have I done for you already... why don't you get the software and learn all the tricks of the trade. To do the work required for a quality chop & swap would be at $25.00 an hour with one hour minimum.

I would do this one for you but I'm tired of pro bono, plus someone else needs the practice, I'm sure.

Don't take me wrong... but after all I've done I have received no extra points as best answer.

beauxPatrick Hubbard