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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Botticelli or Caravaggio???

Question:Which style do you prefer?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Which style do you prefer?


Botticelli - not as dark and forbiding to me. Caravaggio is more dark, and gory. Botticelli had those fuller figured women and the subject matter was more pleasant.

Carravaggio's compositions were far more dramatic and dynamic. He was a master of using darkness. Bottacelli is really only famous for one painting.

Both had different styles. How could you even compare the two? Both are still great masters. And actually if you study art history you would know that Botticelli had more than one famous painting but of course only one is the most popular. It's like Leonardo. He had many famous work but the Mona Lisa is the most popular.

Caravaggio, most definitely. IMO, the man was a genius with his use of light and shadow.