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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Where can i get a 5x4 back for a rolliecord 6x6 twin lens 120 camera?

Question:You might have found the place. My late husband had one but WHERE is it. I shall have to do some digging ...needle in a haystack stuff.....but not today. Will try this week. I have never used it .....prefer my slr and now top range digital ....but it must be somewhere...perhaps one of the kids......I think fhotoace has a much better suggestion. Why not make life more CAN have too much equipment SB

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You might have found the place. My late husband had one but WHERE is it. I shall have to do some digging ...needle in a haystack stuff.....but not today. Will try this week. I have never used it .....prefer my slr and now top range digital ....but it must be somewhere...perhaps one of the kids......I think fhotoace has a much better suggestion. Why not make life more CAN have too much equipment SB

I didn't know it was possible? Do you have a link or photo that says it is?

The correct vernacular is 4x5 (4 by 5) and I am not sure that is possible because the coverage by the lens may make that impossible. The Rolliecord lens would be a wide angle lens for a 4x5. That is one big hunk of glass. I used to have a 4x5 view camera with a 90 mm Schnider Super Angulon and the lens was big.

Try ebay.

Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated

551 - 479 BC




You have a nice wide angle lens for your Hasselblad.

You can have any size print you want from that neg ... Just use a china marker to mark a 5x5 proof and send it and the negative back to the lab. Or just use a photo trimmer to cut off the inch of image you don't want or need.

Try the dreaded Ebay!! Does not sound easy.

I would be asking myself if the image circle produced by your 60 mm lens Hassleblad or Rollei would be big enuf to cover 5x4. Then I would seriously contemplate using a very slow 120 film, even using pull processing , to get the slightly better results of a 5x4 tranny or neg.What are you going to blow it up to anyway??

I don't know the whereabouts of such a back but getting in touch with specialist suppliers may help,here are a few links that I use through Amateur Photography magazine.
Roger Hicks at
Camera Bellows are what it says and supply all sorts of ancient stuff so may be able to help
A browse through AP may lead to a Collectors' club,
Robert White in Bournemouth I think.
Failing these try the Photo and Media etc. museum in Bradford or the people at Bath at the RPS.
When I wanted such things to play with I started making them so take a look at Roger Hicks book Medium and Large Format Photography. I will keep on trying around my archives and try to keep in touch.

Try asking over at the medium forum at Photo Net. If your answer is not there you can register for free and ask away! Lots of knowledge there.
