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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How much would a camera cost that takes good picture like... Pictures inside?


And where can I get one? I'm in love with photography

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And where can I get one? I'm in love with photography

Most likely they are using an SLR camera digital or film. With Digital, you can get it from $600 and up - check COSTCO for Olympus E-410 (DSLR); it is a decent camera. If you are just starting maybe you can get those smaller digital camera for about $200 at COSTCO - Kodak Z1285 is a good camera. Digital will be cheaper in the end because of no film expenses and processing needed - just a computer. Printing can be done with computer printers or from those drugstores. But, film takes a lot of discipline, and disappointments which, help developed discipline.
If you are planning to take photography classes (I would suggest it), hold on for now to see what you need for that class. If you want to learn more on your own, get a book on photography like - John Hedgecoe's photography basics (by: John Hedgecoe) and the other one that is on digital Shooting Digital: Pro Tips for Taking Great Pictures with Your Digital Camera (by: Aaland, Mikkel). I bought those for my neice. Or you can check those at your library, or other books on photograpy and how to photography.
Think composition! See it in your head first, before you snapped that photo. Make a lot of mistakes, and learn from those. When using digital, don't delete it before you know where you went wrong, not just it doesn't look good to you. Take a lot of pictures with thought, not because they might just look good - remember, composition. Look at photography books, and see why their composition is working for you. After this then you can go to the next step - technical aspect of photography - lights, lens, speed, opennings, special effects. Then their own disciplines - composition discipline, technical discipline...

Most of all have FUN!!! Good luck!

It's not about the camera. It's all about the photographer. Pro photographer can take good pictures even with some cheap Pentax Point and Shoot Camera and some beginner/novice doesn't even know how to use Canon 1D Mark III.

any SLR or DSLR camera...
and some digital cameras can do this..
but the DSLRs can cost up to 600 dollars... and I dont think you want to buy one to take pictures of buttons

well these pictures could be taken with almost any camera. digital or film. The asthetic appeal of these photos has to do with the lighting and the focus area. A good way to get even lighting like in those photos is to use reflected light. just use a white board or a foil covered board to bounce the light back onto the subject so that it is evenly lit. BTW digital cameras are getting cheaper and cheaper. I would have to say that you could produce this with a camera under 200 at a local target best buy circut city or even walmart

Look at the data on the side of the frame and you will see what cameras were used, most of the time.

1. A640 - $250
2. SD550 - off the market, but similar to SD850 - $250
3. D200 - $1,300
4. No data included

Shop locally if you need help choosing a camera. Buy it from Mom'n'Pop Photo and they will be there to help you learn how to use your new camera to get the results that you want.

Ow, ow, ow! My head! Of course it's the camera, not the photographer that gets such sharp and colorful images (sarcasm). Even with a D200, ur still not going to take "great" pictures. Learn how to use the little point and shoot that you have, and then you'll maybe know enough not to ask questions like this. Might as well ask "How much does a brush cost that paints good paintings?"
