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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is a good color to to use to paint?

Question:on a back ground where their is camelflauge. I want for the camelfaluge to pop and to stand out so what is a good color that will make that happen. I will really appreaciate all of your answers...GOD BLESS

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: on a back ground where their is camelflauge. I want for the camelfaluge to pop and to stand out so what is a good color that will make that happen. I will really appreaciate all of your answers...GOD BLESS

Colours stand out best against their opposites, so red next to green, blue next to orange and purple next to yellow. Another way is to make one colour much lighter or darker than the other. The lightest colours appear closer, so for example yellow tends to come forward. So does any colour mixed with a lot of white.

most likely a color in the print itself that way its unified and doesn't take away from the over all print.

I like bluemonkey691's answer but you said you wanted the camouflage to stand out so I would go with any color that is the opposite of your colors in the camouflage. Just a thought. Do some mock sketches to see if you like any different combinations. Good luck.

camelflauge is a few shades of green. I saw look at the color wheel and whatever color is on its opposite, will make the camelflauge stand out more.

Hope it helps.