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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is the easiest way to get the goron tunic?

Question:Are you referring to the game, or actual photography? For photography, you're going to have to make one yourself, or maybe try and byy Link's tunic from somewhere and dye it red.

As for the game, go to Goron city (as adult link) only to discover all the Gorons are gone, except for one.

He's rolling along, and the only way to stop is to hit him with the explosion of a bomb. My advice is to shoot an arrow at a bomb flower that he passes by, that should do the trick.

He'll give it to you, and also tell you what to do next.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Are you referring to the game, or actual photography? For photography, you're going to have to make one yourself, or maybe try and byy Link's tunic from somewhere and dye it red.

As for the game, go to Goron city (as adult link) only to discover all the Gorons are gone, except for one.

He's rolling along, and the only way to stop is to hit him with the explosion of a bomb. My advice is to shoot an arrow at a bomb flower that he passes by, that should do the trick.

He'll give it to you, and also tell you what to do next.

I'm not sure, but asking photographers probably isn't a good start...

you could save up 200 rupees and buy the goron tunic as Child Link. That would be the easiest way. A cheaper way, and the way I do it is get it from Darunia's son. He gives it to you for free when you agree to help the rest of the Gorons.

(There's only one item in the whole game you need to buy and that's the Deku Shield )

its easy. and theres actually only 1 way. in the gerodu city thingy, there is a little goron rolling around instead of the big 1 before. you must stop him by planting a bomb near him so that it explodes right by him. the timing is hard but its a lot easier if you stand a ways a way from the door with the bomb plants next to it. take out you bow and shoot at 1 of the bomb plants to make it explode. shoot it right when the goron is next to it. it might take a couple of tries.