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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Dith Pran, the iconic cambodian photographer..what are the achievements made by

Question:The cambodian photographer whose life story under the brutal khmer rouge regime was recreated in the film '' the killing fields'', the story of a survivor. Dith pran was a true reporter, a fighter for the truth and for his people said schanberg, a former new york times correspondent. Pran during the civil war was captured by the khmer rouge and sent to a forced labour camp. For several years there was no word of his fate. He escaped to Thailand in 1979. He then came to new york a year later to become a photographer for the new york times. He is a powerful Advocate for the cambodian people and their sufferings under polpot and later vietnamese occupation.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The cambodian photographer whose life story under the brutal khmer rouge regime was recreated in the film '' the killing fields'', the story of a survivor. Dith pran was a true reporter, a fighter for the truth and for his people said schanberg, a former new york times correspondent. Pran during the civil war was captured by the khmer rouge and sent to a forced labour camp. For several years there was no word of his fate. He escaped to Thailand in 1979. He then came to new york a year later to become a photographer for the new york times. He is a powerful Advocate for the cambodian people and their sufferings under polpot and later vietnamese occupation.

He survived to tell his story..............I went to Cambodia last year but my story is not very intersting