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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Does any body know how many paintings Henry Reaburn has hanging in the Louvre?

Question:I know this is specific, but I have a report to do and does not say and neither does wikipedia! >_<

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I know this is specific, but I have a report to do and does not say and neither does wikipedia! >_<

OH!!! HE'S MY FAVORITE ARTIST!!! *^_^* i only know of two - ''Young girl holding flowers'' (this is the best painting ever :P) and ''Captain hay of spot''

*^_^* hope that helps ^^b

It's all here, in French, but you just have to pick out the word 'Louvre' if you don't know much French:
There's a probably rather inaccurate automatic translation of the pages here:

As Raeburn was a Scottish artist, I'm sure the librarian at the National Gallery of Scotland would be pleased to tell you (look up their website).