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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How to do photography?


ok, this is amazing, how do you do color thingys like this?!
its sooo cool

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ok, this is amazing, how do you do color thingys like this?!
its sooo cool

A easy way to do this, if you don't know how to use photoshop is to use , you just upload your image , then go to edit , and after that you go to create, and then you make the image black and white, and then you use the paint brush to select the areas you want in color. Paint brush is blue and is right above the cancel button

google selective coloring, its a feature in most newish cameras and most editing software

A lot of the newer point and shoot digital cameras have a feature called "color accent." This feature allows you to automatically do it in your camera.

I prefer to do it in Photoshop. The easiest way is to start with a color image, make a duplicate layer, convert to black and white, then use the eraser to erase the parts you want in color.