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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I need help with a show?

Question:its a realality tv show about Phtogrphers or artists that are givean a task and half to take pictures of something and are juged on how they exspresed it there was an ep where they had to make people pose for a lotion photo shoot thats the only one I saw so plz help me out thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: its a realality tv show about Phtogrphers or artists that are givean a task and half to take pictures of something and are juged on how they exspresed it there was an ep where they had to make people pose for a lotion photo shoot thats the only one I saw so plz help me out thanks!

i think its called "the shot"

I think you are talking about the America's Next Top Model show. I don't often watch it, but I saw the one where they were having to express how they would sell the lotion posing as different animals like an elephant, cougar, flamingo and other animals.