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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is the link between sculpture and politics and please explain?

Question:Sculpture has been used thro history as a means of expressing the will or belief or a ruler. Sculptures - placed in exposed public places (unlike paintings) are constant view. In this way, they expressed - express a message . This was particularly important in the olden days when many people were illiterate, Statues of Egyptian royalty, Roman kings, heroes of all types, commanded the respect of the people. Glorious moments in history and the might of a particular leader are memorialized. Sculpture can be a means of glorify a living leader's achievements: e.g. Roman arch of Constantine
When a leader falls from grace, - as in the case of Saddam in Iraq - a sculpture of his figure and face - is taken down.
My favorite sculpture carrying a open and a hidden message is that of the four Tetriachs (military rulers of Rome in the early 14 c. BC now sited in Venice near the entrance to S. Marco. For reasons of politics, the sculptor was commanded to show their unity - so he has sculpting them embracing. But if one looks again, one sees that at least two of them are looking over their shoulder, fearful ,perhaps, of an attack on their lives. See story and picture at

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Sculpture has been used thro history as a means of expressing the will or belief or a ruler. Sculptures - placed in exposed public places (unlike paintings) are constant view. In this way, they expressed - express a message . This was particularly important in the olden days when many people were illiterate, Statues of Egyptian royalty, Roman kings, heroes of all types, commanded the respect of the people. Glorious moments in history and the might of a particular leader are memorialized. Sculpture can be a means of glorify a living leader's achievements: e.g. Roman arch of Constantine
When a leader falls from grace, - as in the case of Saddam in Iraq - a sculpture of his figure and face - is taken down.
My favorite sculpture carrying a open and a hidden message is that of the four Tetriachs (military rulers of Rome in the early 14 c. BC now sited in Venice near the entrance to S. Marco. For reasons of politics, the sculptor was commanded to show their unity - so he has sculpting them embracing. But if one looks again, one sees that at least two of them are looking over their shoulder, fearful ,perhaps, of an attack on their lives. See story and picture at

Some sculpture was used to honor politicians. Some sculpture was used to commemorate victories. The politicians made a point to link themselves to the memorial.

In ancient rome and Greece The ruling elite promoted themselves through sculpture...In dictatoships sculpture is used to promote the cult of personality thing of in normal countries it is usually dead politicians from the ruling elite who are promoted thus giving a sense of continuity to the current lot...