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Question:Im really intrested in photography, so i want to take a course for it next year in 10th grade. What are somethings that you do in that class?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Im really intrested in photography, so i want to take a course for it next year in 10th grade. What are somethings that you do in that class?

well if this is your first course you'll be taking photo 1. in this class the teacher usual has you set your camera to automatic shutter speed and f stop. all you need to do is focus the lens. as the class goes on you will learn how to set the shutter speed and f stop yourself by reading the light meter inside your camera. by then you will set your camera to manual and do all the mechanics yourself.

and in the darkroom you'll learn about how to use an enlarger and develop your pictures. for the enlarger you'll learn how to change the size of your picture, how to focus the image and to use filters. the chemicals you'll use are developer, stop bath and fixer. they will teacher you how to go through the chemical process to develop your picture.

obviously you will learn how to develop your film. you'll learn how to load your film into a canister in a pitch black room. it matters what film you are using but your teacher will take you through the process of developing film.

i'm in 9th grade and taking photo 2 at moore college. i've taken photo 1 many times just because of switches studios i wanted to get used to their technique.

If it's an intro class, like what I took in 10th grade, then you'll look at the basics of photography.... (you could do a google search of that, and get a ton of valuable info)....
So most likely the rule of thirds, apeture, shutter speed, depth of field, if it's a darkroom class you'll learn about developing film and prints, the chemicals, enlargers, dodging and burning. If it's a digital class I would imagine you'd learn Photoshop and within that, levels, curves, color correction, black and white conversions, etc.
Hope you enjoy the class!!!!

i suggest you find a vocational school in your area that teaches photography. a cool way to early credit toward graduation. plus you have a career in what you like to do waiting at the end.

I have that course as my second alternative!