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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How did the colors come to be named?

Question:Not the fancy-schmancy ones. But the main ones. Who named them and when? Were there other names for it at any time? Im very curious. Ive been contemplating about colors lately. Theyre just so.. Breath-taking.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Not the fancy-schmancy ones. But the main ones. Who named them and when? Were there other names for it at any time? Im very curious. Ive been contemplating about colors lately. Theyre just so.. Breath-taking.

Someone awesome, colors are so beautiful. I remember I read this one story in my sci fi or horror class and it was a story about these people being killed in the forest by something that they couldn't see, or something like that. I read it a long time ago but the cool part about the story but the reason they couldn't see the killer was because it was a different color that we have never seen before and that our eyes couldn't process, it was amazing.

sorry don't know