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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Is Li'l Abner still funny, or is the humour too dated?

Question:Aside from being sexist, racist and classist, it's still just as funny as it ever was.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Aside from being sexist, racist and classist, it's still just as funny as it ever was.

I guess that it would depend on how old you are. I would think that kids would find things to laugh at in it, but teen agers would not. I am past teen-age and I think that I would still laugh at some of the characters.......Mammy Yokum, Papa Yokum, Daisy mae.........and of course, Lil Abner would still be popular on Sadie Hawkins Day!!!!

WTF is Lil Ebner?

Some of the humor would actually be considered off-color and inappropriate today, ironically enough.

I think some of it is funny, if nothing else for being so quaintly old-fashioned. Some of it is still thematically funny, definitely.

Most teenagers nowadays would think it was thoroughly retarded, and most adults 19-40 or so would think it was trite.