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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is with the ancient greeks an their obsession with tiny peckers?

Question:in every sculpture i've ever seen from athens or anywhere else from that time period the heroes always have like frighteningly small penises...whats up with that?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: in every sculpture i've ever seen from athens or anywhere else from that time period the heroes always have like frighteningly small penises...whats up with that?

It's probably the same obsession modern cultures have with the nude male form - only we make 'em with HUGE donkey-dongs.

It's probably not 'cuz they're really like that - but I would contribute it to the level of cultural obsession with male genitals.

I used to live in the mediterranean area, and well... I dated quite a bit.
All I can say is, it is a genetic thing. They probably just worked with the material they had.

I think the obsession is yours.

The reason they did that was because the sculptor/artist wanted you to see the bigger picture..not the penis.