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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Photo frame for 6.75"x10" photo?

Question:I recently purchased a Canon 400D which gives great photos, and I decided to print off some of the better ones. I paid to have them done professionally so that they would last. However, when I got them I noticed that they were actually 6.75"x10" images not the standard 8"x10". I can't find any photo frames that will work. What should I do??? You know other than cropping them in the future before having them printed. Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I recently purchased a Canon 400D which gives great photos, and I decided to print off some of the better ones. I paid to have them done professionally so that they would last. However, when I got them I noticed that they were actually 6.75"x10" images not the standard 8"x10". I can't find any photo frames that will work. What should I do??? You know other than cropping them in the future before having them printed. Thanks!

My full format image on the Nikon shrinks to 6.67"x10", so I know what you mean.

The easiest way around this is to cut a mat with that opening and put it in an 11"x14" frame. It works out well. I have one wall at work with 7 of these frames on it. I know that I can bang out a 6.67"x10" print and it will fit just the way I want it to if I want to swap it out for one of the other prints when I get tired of it.

I also have a few frames that I modified to fit this size. Prints fit in these frames without a mat. Go to Michael's and buy individual frame sides. They come in pairs and they attach at the corners with metal connectors. You can get a 10" pair and also a 7" pair. I cut the 7" sides down to 6.67" with a radial arm saw, but you could do this with a hack saw or you could even file it down carefully. In your case, you would only want to remove ?" and that would not take too long to do with a file. You will have to then take the frames to a hardware store and get them to cut a piece of glass to fit. This will cost only a dollar per piece. I put a piece of electricians tape along the edge of the glass to create a bit of a gasket to keep the print of the glass so it won't stick. I know this is not "archival," but that's not what I use these frames for.

The best solution for the prints you have would be to mat them into an 11"x14" frame.

Haha! You didn't mention your dad. My dad made TONS of frames - all to exact specifications. You can't beat the price, either. :-) Report It

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  • i print everything myself. that takes care of the odd size issue. and why on earth were they such an odd size to begin with did the printer messup?
    hobby lobby has frames 50% off about once a month, get some small sectionals or do a matt to compensate and get a regular size frame.