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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Does a Multicolored retractable highlighter exist?


I swear I've seen one of these.. but now i'm looking for it, I can't seem to find one anywhere.

Has anyone ever seen a highlighter that is retractable and multicolored. It is 1 highlighter and you click for each color you want. ...Kind of like the 4 color pens they have.

Do they exist?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hi!

I swear I've seen one of these.. but now i'm looking for it, I can't seem to find one anywhere.

Has anyone ever seen a highlighter that is retractable and multicolored. It is 1 highlighter and you click for each color you want. ...Kind of like the 4 color pens they have.

Do they exist?

The closest I have seen a retractable ball point pens. The wide tip on a highlighter is a problem. I have see a stack of short highlighters where each acts as the cap for the others with one cap on the end.
Five points are caps for 5 colors

not to my knowlege...that may be a difficult thing to come up with too, because of the nature of the beast...