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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Freaky Picture??!!?

Question:I was recently going through some old pictures, and I came across this one, and it totally freaked me out!! What's with the two old people in the top right corner?? OMG soo weird!! Is there some reasonable explanation to this??
Heres the picture.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was recently going through some old pictures, and I came across this one, and it totally freaked me out!! What's with the two old people in the top right corner?? OMG soo weird!! Is there some reasonable explanation to this??
Heres the picture.

This came from a disposable Halloween camera. I have seen them a few times. The sepia toned image is already on the film. Then the picture you snap is double-exposed with the existing image. Nothing otherworldly about it.

Wow that's so fake it's not even funny.
Stop wasting everyone's time.
Whoever did that (whether it was you or someone else) didn't even do a good job of it.

wow, thats pretty freaky.
but it's obvious it's photoshoped.
awesome job though !


It doesn't take much skill to Photoshop "ghosts" over an image, and it's easily recognizable...

Nice picture, nonetheless.

Well, it looks like two stupid girls getting ready to bungy jump....notice the cords and harnesses?
They just look like they have no idea what they are helmets, no gloves, no protection.
Bungy jumping has been out lawed in a lot of places.
I think the photographer just "super-imposed" (Photoshop) an older photo into the old, dead relatives....ghosts, if you will.....since these two idiots look like they are about to jump to their death.
Their dead relatives are just waiting for them....or maybe protecting them.
I bet the photographer used the photo for an assignment....trying to mean something.
It's done very badly....but that might not have been the point to begin with.

that looks like one of the pictures you might get out of one oft hose cheezy pns cams, that already have the ghosts preprinted on the pictures... saw them @ biglots last halloween for $5.95

looks like "the gobblins 'ill GIT you eff'n ye don't watch out"

Oooh, freaky! Wanna hear something even weirder? My kids took some pictures a few years back, and all the pictures they took have Pikachu on them!!! I mean, how is THAT possible? I'm pretty sure we didn't have free-range Pikachus roaming about our backyard then!

Oh yeah, and it was just a regular camera, that looked just like this:

You've GOT to be kidding!