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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do you do a presentation on your poster, while holding your poster?

Question:like memorize what you are going to say and be able to stand and talk for 20 minutes.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: like memorize what you are going to say and be able to stand and talk for 20 minutes.

You don't. Especially if you are going to mark or modify your poster. You make a stand or you fold it so you can present part of it without having it hang from your hand. You make the parts of the poster into pages and flip them. You make a T-shape about as tall as you are and as wide as the pages and fasten the pages at the top so you can flip them over when done. The T rests on the ground and you hold it half way up so you can twist and turn it to point to things and show it to audience without your arm becoming tired and allowing the poster to flop.

Wow, never memorize that much, you will sound like a robot and bore people to tears. Take notes, at best, cue cards. Keep them somewhere in your hand. Practice your speech beforehand. You should be able to stick your poster on the wall somewhere. Public speaking is difficult, some find it hard. I have spoken to large crowds and have absolutely no memory of what I said. So practice breathing, speaking loudly, and slowly. I tend to speak fast when I am nervous, practice slowing it all down. My prof used the newscasters as a guide, to reference speaking well. They always speak very slow and a bit monotone.