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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Should I make a mold of my bustline and then have a coffee table statue made?

Question:That would look...grotesque?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: That would look...grotesque?

If you're totally into yourself... then yeah.

that's very tame. cynthia plaster caster, a groupie in the 1960s-70s, collected plaster molds of rock stars' privates.

A friend of mine's daughter is nine months pregnant and just this week had a frontal cast made from neck to waistline. Pretty cool idea

It's a wonderful idea, just do not try to sit a glass of wine on the table.

IF you look that good now that you want to make a bust cast out of your bust then by all means. Take all the pictures while you can as well so you can show your kids you used to be fine.........have proof!