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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Plagiarism?

Question:Hi everyone, I was just wondering if I took a picture from the internet and drew it, would that be plagiarism?
Thanks for any help ~

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hi everyone, I was just wondering if I took a picture from the internet and drew it, would that be plagiarism?
Thanks for any help ~

Simply put, copying is one way to learn. Publishing it as your own is plagiarism. We are putting way too much emphasis on originality these days.

sure enough! of course martin luther king had a dream too!

If you drew that picture from your own free hand and didn't copy or trace it, then the answer would be no.

just quote the original source

Plagiarism is the practice of claiming or implying original authorship of someone else's written or creative work, in whole or in part, into one's own without adequate acknowledgement