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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Does my horizon line make you feel whoozy ???


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I am a great fan of altered horizon lines! But in this case it is just off. It send the flow of the picture off the page. It does not add anything to the picture



yeah , awesome pic , good job!

Yes. Excellent photograph.. nice collection

Yes! :-) but it's a lovely view.

It's an awesome picture, very creative! It's a bit off balance though. =D

it does a little bit...just the angle of the camera, but it's a beautiful shot

umm yes, but thats still really cool

I do get a feeling I'm on a rocking ship, so yeah! Nice shots btw. Great sky in some of those boat pics.

Maybe not whoozy but it's a super cool picture. It does make you feel like you're a bit cross-eyed though.

Do you know what? It doesn't bother me at all. There is so much to take my mind away - I like it!

That's a beautiful view but it does make me feel whoozy LOL

no not realy were did you take that

No, the picture is really good

This is the effect that a wide angle lens gives you at such an angle,....super nice shot by the way, nice rich colors, great composition.........keep it up, soon you'll be making more money with your camera than your brushes !,...& aint that the point?


yeah but that could have something to do with all that beer I drank last night.

I really like tilted horizons, I really like this image a polarizer would have popped it.



Some. Still a nice one though.

It was pointed down stream, right?

yeah, it does. it's a brilliant shot, great angle.

some people just don't pay attention to horizon lines...and then some of us learn that horizon lines are an important part of any image... guess we sail sooner than expected because tide will be higher sooner than expected...

you can easily straighten horizons with Picasa

Now your toying with my balance!!!

great shot!!! should post a picture of a bottle of Dramamine next to it.