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Position:Home>Visual Arts> A elephan that can really paint! does it suprise you?

Question:goes to has a clip of abc news show a thailand elephan can really paint.. what do you think? it even can draw other elephan.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: goes to has a clip of abc news show a thailand elephan can really paint.. what do you think? it even can draw other elephan.

i think its pretty cool! elephants are quite intelligent animals!

I saw a programme about it, it's not really painting.
A man stands by it's side and pushes it in the direction it wants it to move the brush so it can get a vague elephant outline.

If you read the entire website, you will learn the elephants really do love to paint. And check out the prices of the art they do. This art is meant to provide for the needs of the elephants.

not really, i think critters are way more complex that most folks give them credit for
i've heard of cats painting too.
must be something about the texture and color of the stuff, as i've been obsessed with painting since i was three.