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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Are these pictures good? Like a pro? :D?

Question:And give me more tips pls

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: And give me more tips pls

They are nice, i just love the bunny.

WoW!! I'm not a professional, but they look great!

They look quite nice to me. I like how you've captured the foreground in some shots.

i recommend you get yourself a nice camera, nice eye

Nice shots. I especially like the roses the glasses, and the piano. Keep up the good work, they all look really well done, keep up the good work!

Those are awesome pics!!! keep up the excellent work! :)

WOW, those are really cool, i love photography but im not a pro, i think you have a talent, keep it up...

Bunny is cute.

Start here. This is one of my favorite sites. It gets updated from time to time.


To be perfectly honest, they are clearly the work of an amateur. They aren't bad work, but they are very much not professional. Please don't be insulted, I'm not trying to be mean.

Most of them are blurry, especially the close up work, and very few of them lack a real subject.

It's extremely hard to critique such a large body of work in any sort of detail, but the best advice I can give you is to keep shooting, everything. But more importantly, teach yourself to see. Look at other people's photography and analyze it, figure out why you like it compositionally, then try and analyze how the shot was taken technically. Look up the work of Arnold Newman, Sebastio Salgado, James Nachtwey, Walker Evans, Dorthea Lange, Henri Cartier-Bresson, etc.

Try and learn everything you can from everyone you can, best of luck.