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Question:Its Red.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Its Red.

Light red and dark red.

its a primary color; you cant make it with any color
yellow, blue, and red are all primary colors

No two colours, red is a 'primary' colour.

Red is a primary color - you can't get it by mixing any other 2 primaries. You could mix a dark burgundy and white though.

Red is a primary color. There are not 2 colors you can mix together to make it.

Red is a primary color- it stands alone. Yellow and blue are the other two primary colors. Mixing these colors in differing combinations make the secondary colors orange, green, and purple. By mixing white with a color you make a tint, adding black makes a shade.

You can't make red with any other color becouse it is a primary color the 3 primary colors are yellow, red, and blue the secondary colors are colors were you mix to primarys together are purple, green, and orange becouse purple is blue and red, green is yellow and blue, and orange is red and yellow.

Hope that helps,