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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Does my nose look big in this?


Be nice please.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Be nice please.

No, honey. You look great.

What a lovely petite nose you have there.

a little bit ...

It looks absolutely lovely

NO but your eyes look tiny :-)

I nose exactly what you mean!! You have a massive nose and it smells like trouble :)

Only slightly..... lol

no, it looks fine

yeah it looks huge

"but the funny thing is what happened to her nose,
it grew until it reached all of her toes,
now when people say her feet smell they mean her nose"

yum (;

that reminds me of that new movie penelope. soon you will find your guy and not care who sees your big honker!!
good luck :)

No but your eyes are really, really tiny.

wow you could easily satisfy a gay guy with that!!

My mum told me 'if you can't say anything nice say nothing'

no not at all x

hahaha lovely

Er, this is a really freaky image and I do not quite understand what you are trying to do or the point you are trying to get across. We all use Photoshop or Gimp up to a point but there is usually some explanation. I don't really see how I can be 'nice' about this without more information.

I can't even see your nose. I'm not sure I understand what you're talking about. I love your eyes though.

uggg.. i'm gonna get nightmares

No, not at all when compared to an ant eaters nose.

Either that, or your eyes and mouth are tiny. can't get much bigger if that's what you're looking for. looks great. You must be very popular and have lots of people around you...kinda...